This page will be updated prior to the next Holy Face Feast Day (Shrove Tuesday) to list Masses open to the public.
The Feast of the Holy Face – Shrove Tuesday – 13 February 2024
The following Holy Face Masses are being said on the Holy Face Feast Day. You are welcome to attend any of these special masses. If you know of other Holy Face Masses being said on The Holy Face Feast Day 2024, please let us know, we can add them to this list. If you would like your priest to say the Holy Face Mass on Shrove Tuesday, we have the text of the Mass available (Ordinary and Extraordinary Form) which can be sent by email or by post.
United Kingdom
Mass for the Feast of the Holy Face – Ordinary Form (English Mass)
Time: 9:30 am
St Catherine Labouré
Stanifield Lane
PR25 4QG
Priest: Fr Simon Henry
Mass for the Feast of the Holy Face – Ordinary Form (English Mass)
Time: 12:30pm
St Patrick’s Church
5 South Grays Close
Priest: Fr Gerard Hatton
If you know of any Holy Face Masses being said on The Holy Face Feast Day 2024, please let us know…